Architectual forms of wood distribution – source for design of youth clothing collection


  • O. Kolosnychenko
  • O. Vasilieva
  • I. Prikhodko-Kononenko
  • I. Vasilieva



Wooden architecture of modern, development of collections, morphological analysis, harmonization of elements.


The article is sanctified to the problems design planning of modern collections of clothing on the basis of architectural forms of style modern and wooden architecture. The results of analytical research of varieties of architectural forms of wooden house sare presented them characteristic peripheral -internal device, structure of roofs and elements of decor. Basic principles and criteria are certain, that they are characterized. The analysis of the use of elements of wooden architecture and style is conducted modern in modern architecture. The structural analysis of literary sources, morphological analysis and progress of forms trends, is conducted in a modern clothing. but general methodology of the project-typology going near planning of complex objects. Offered approach and the basic constituents of forms of wooden architecture and style are distinguished modern for the use in planning of collection of youth clothing.


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How to Cite

Kolosnychenko, O., Vasilieva, O., Prikhodko-Kononenko, I., & Vasilieva, I. (2017). Architectual forms of wood distribution – source for design of youth clothing collection. Theory and Practice of Design, (13), 140–155.


