Features of means of providing barrier-free space
Low mobile groups of the population, UN Convention, trolley, ramp, bath, elevator, barrier-free space.Abstract
The article deals with regulatory documents concerning the provision of comfortable stay of people from few mobile groups of the population. Information was provided on the means and norms that should be followed in design design. A comparative analysis of some types of existing equipment has been performed, which is intended to ensure the quality of life of disabled people. The scientific direction of the development of optimal conditions for the design of facilities for providing people with disabilities is defined.References
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Конвенция о правах инвалидов — Принята резолюцией 61/106 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 13 декабря 2006 года.- Режим доступу:http:// www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/disability
Безперешкодний доступ людей з інвалідністю та маломобільних груп населення: принципи та рекомендації. Режимдоступу:http:// www.pervomaisk.mk.ua/.../безперешкодний%202
Ванны для инвалидов и пожилых людей Сантехника медицинская (хирургическая, для инвалидов.-Режим доступу: http://www.kranik.ru/category/vanny-dlja-invalidov-i-pozhilyh-ljudej/