Formation of iconik information systems by methods of ecological design


  • V. Goloborodko
  • A. Rubtsov
  • О. Chemakina



Signs, information systems, ecological marking, environment, methodology, practice.


In the context of the formation of the main directions of ecological design, the principles and methods of the functioning of information systems are considered. It is shown that design methods is forming user needs and influence to the ecological behavior of the population. The creation of an effective methodology for the formation of iconic information systems will contribute to enhancing the role of ecological design as an effective component of the influence on the user paradigm. The main principles of "ecological labeling" in cooperation with the "ecological declaration" are considered, which form a link between the manufacturer and the user in order to stimulate the production of high-quality, organic and environmentally sustainable products. The basic principles of the design of sign systems are described, which can significantly enhance their effectiveness, primarily for the tasks of ecological marking.


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How to Cite

Goloborodko, V., Rubtsov, A., & Chemakina О. (2017). Formation of iconik information systems by methods of ecological design. Theory and Practice of Design, (13), 90–104.


