Features of ratio of priority composition element for visual recursive systems in the objects of art design


  • A. Heher




Visual recursive system, elements of composition, binomial coefficient, set, contiguity, compound.


A set of composition elements, priority for visual recursive systems (VRS) in facilities of design contains seven elements: line, spot, three-dimensional shape, time, motion, color and lighting. Overview can assume that the line, spot and three-dimensional shape are geometric object, and time, movement, light and shade, color - are phenomenon. Consequently, not all of these elements are characterized by uniformity of nature and properties. This causes difficulty determining the combination of these elements of VRS in the objects of art design. Application of analysis adjacency for the elements of composition allowed to define a set of potentially possible connections. Based on the binomial coefficients calculation and interpretation of the results found that the set of potential elements combinations, priority for VRS includes one hundred and twelve compound. This results reveal approximately understanding of compositional variability of VRS for the art design practiсe.


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How to Cite

Heher, A. (2017). Features of ratio of priority composition element for visual recursive systems in the objects of art design. Theory and Practice of Design, (13), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.13.12681


