Features of formation of residential loft interiors


  • Yu. Tretyak
  • M. Shilova




Loft, reorganization, loft apartments, industrial buildings, interior, living space.


The article examines the distinctive features of the loft, specifies the features of formation of lofts interior space as innovative residential buildings in the urban environment, specifies its distinctive features. Had been analyzed the main varieties and spatial planning principles of zoning as a means of optimizing the living space of lofts had been considered the materials to be of the highest priority in practical application, peculiarities of their use, illumination and laws of their application are considered. Based on the analysis of existing loft premises, the patterns of loft formation are revealed. The specificity of the modern development of lofts and the trends of its development in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Tretyak, Y., & Shilova, M. (2017). Features of formation of residential loft interiors. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 237–244. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.12.12670


