The principles of systematization of landscape elements in interiors of industrial buildings


  • Yu. Tretyak
  • A. Shkolik



Landscape elements, management, interior design, principles of industrial building components, landscaping.


The article considers the main principles of systematization of landscape elements in interiors of industrial buildings: the principle of visual conformity, the principle of the integrity of the interior and landscape elements, the principle of shaped connections, the principle of proportions, principle of unity. The use of landscape elements is based on principles that ensure the compatibility of buildings, interior and exterior components. These principles are inseparable from each other, their joint observance is necessary to create a complete interior landscape environment. Integrated landscaping of industrial buildings with the use of landscape components, made in the same style, will greatly enrich the interior model of industrial development, improve its environment, sanitary-hygienic and decorative role. The principles of systematization of the landscape elements helps to reveal the relationship and compatibility of the building, interior and exterior.


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How to Cite

Tretyak, Y., & Shkolik, A. (2017). The principles of systematization of landscape elements in interiors of industrial buildings. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 226–236.


