Organization of the habitat: the experience of feng shui
Feng shui, theory of self-organization of complex systems, system-psychological analysis, channels of interaction with the environment, impact profile.Abstract
Feng Shui, as a system of organization of the environment, is quite popular with modern designers. There are schools and research centers that are keen to adapt the experience of this ancient Chinese system to modern conditions. In this article, feng shui is subjected to systematic psychological analysis, which allows us to determine its principles and methods of organizing the environment, fostering them with the states of human consciousness in different historical epochs and with channels of human perception of the environment. Their use makes it possible to increase the comfort of the habitat due to a purposeful influence on those channels of human interaction with the environment that remain unoccupied within the framework of actual styles, and at the expense of a common synergetic effect. Me-todologically, the article continues the previous publication devoted to the system-psychological analysis of another popular historical system - vastu and contains comparisons with the latter.References
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