The national artistic traditions in the modern crimean tatar architecture and design


  • S. Privolneva National Aviation University, Kyiv



Crimean Tatar architecture, design, arts and crafts, traditions, innovations.


The article analyzes the results of the creative use of national artistic traditions in the modern Crimean Tatar architecture and design,innovative solutions are evaluated. The best Crimean Tatar architects and designers adopted creative use of national artistic traditions. Tradition is understood by them not only as a citation from the history of the Crimean Tatar architecture in the form of separate characteristic elements and technical methods, but also as the most valuable opportunity to adapt the deep principles of the Crimean Tatar art to the modern conditions of life. The revival of the culture of the past was also reflected in the restoration and rebuilding of the architectural heritage, accommodated with new functions important for modern society. Synthesis of modern aesthetics, technical capabilities and ancient traditions testifies to the high level of professionalism of the current Crimean Tatar masters, inspires the followers to use carefully national traditions applied to the requirements of the present day.

Author Biography

S. Privolneva, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Privolneva, S. (2017). The national artistic traditions in the modern crimean tatar architecture and design. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 145–156.


