Methods of implementation of social programs for cultural heritage development with the involvement of student designers


  • O. Oliynyk National Aviation University



Cultural heritage development, social programs, preservation, measurements, registration cards.


The article is dedicated to implementation of methodology of social programs for the conservation of cultural heritage. A social program on the preservation, enumeration and promotion of cultural heritage through restoration of the nation’s historical memory and identity, which involve the general public is offered. In order to improve the cultural heritage conservation and restoration processes, the concept analyses the possibility of raising awareness about the importance of cultural heritage preservation to encourage the general public to par­ticipate in this effort. Actuality of the topic is confirmed by the current political situa­tion in the conditions of an armed conflict with Russia, as a result of which a part of Ukraine’s cultural heritage is now in the Russian–an­nexed Crimea and another part is in danger of destruction as a re­sult of continuing hostilities. However, the problem of preservation of cultural heritage is even more relevant now than ever.

Author Biography

O. Oliynyk, National Aviation University

Ph.D. arch., Professor


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How to Cite

Oliynyk, O. (2017). Methods of implementation of social programs for cultural heritage development with the involvement of student designers. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 135–144.


