Special aspects of attic floor warming in historic buildings


  • V. Murgul National Aviation University




Historic building, attic floor, thermal insulation, heat transfer performance uniformity factor, reconstruction.


This article containsreasoning of the heat transfer performance uniformity factor determination for attic floors of historic residential buildings while energy effective modifying buildings. The numeral value of this heat transfer performance uniformity factor for the wooden attic floor structure was found during investigation. It was estimated that there was no moisture condensation in the wooden attic floor structure. Energy efficiency modifying of residential historical buildings should imply the principle of highest possible preserving historical engineering structures of a building. The studied structure solution of the attic floor thermal insulation using modern efficient thermal insulation materials enables to exclude the risk of condensate formation in layers of a wooden floor being preserved.


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How to Cite

Murgul, V. (2017). Special aspects of attic floor warming in historic buildings. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 120–127. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.11.11889


