Environment organization: vastu experience


  • Y. Kovalyov National Aviation University
  • V. Kalashnikova National Aviation University




Vastu, the theory of self-organization of complex systems, the system-psychological analysis, channels of interaction with the environment, effects profile.


The pursuit of a harmonious organization environment is inherent to man since ancient times. System-psychological analysis of historical experience allows you to recover a forgotten now the principles of environment organization, as well as specific techniques, linking them with states of human mind inherent in different historical periods and specific channels of human perception of the environment. Their rethinking and expression in the framework of current styles and using modern materials and technologies can improve the comfort of the habitat due to purposeful effect on the human condition, taking into account the conditions of comfort with all of the human interaction channel environment.

Author Biographies

Y. Kovalyov, National Aviation University

Dr. Sc., Professor

V. Kalashnikova, National Aviation University



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How to Cite

Kovalyov, Y., & Kalashnikova, V. (2017). Environment organization: vastu experience. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 72–88. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.11.11879


