Shaping clothes: methodical search and experimentsin educational process


  • M. Kisil Kharkiv humanitarian-pedagogical academy



Form, fashion design, method, shaping.


The article deals with topical issues of modern shaping garments. The main emphasis was placed on methodical search in shaping in the structure of educational process of training of fashion designers. The study has highlighted two areas of search shaping – artistic-conceptual and constructive-making. Among the sources of formation was selected associative, bionic and material objects (created by man). The article also describes methods of formation that have been tested and improved in practice, associative morphological and reversible.

Author Biography

M. Kisil, Kharkiv humanitarian-pedagogical academy

Ph.D. in art criticism


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How to Cite

Kisil, M. (2017). Shaping clothes: methodical search and experimentsin educational process. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 64–71.


