To the question of the choice of the effective tools of graphical visualization in the design tasks


  • S. Berdynskykh National Academy of Arts of Ukraine



Design graphics, graphical modeling, graphical element, objective properties of shapes, visual image, design object.


In the given article, the principles of use of modelling tools of objective and aesthetic properties of the projected forms proceeding from in advance defined conditions were issued. Perception of various aspects of an object’s practically implemented by means of a number of special images. Each of them, revealing a certain aspect of the design plan, can also have an emotional assessment of its perception. The problem of ensuring the functionality, information content, laconicism and relevance of project images, as well as emphasis of the figurative characteristics of a designed project put by the author, conducts to the solution of the question of the expediency of graphic tools. From this perspective, the recommendations on the choice of modelling tools of certain objective and subjective properties of the designed forms on predetermined conditions were developed, and it is possible to increase efficiency of the graphic determination by using these recommendations.

Author Biography

S. Berdynskykh, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Ph.D. Tech.


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