Paradox as basis of self-organization of the artificial design-systems


  • N. Sliarenko



Paradox, design-system, self-organization, polimodality, experiment, artistically-project culture.


In the article a role and essence of paradoxes are exposed in design of the artificial design-systems. Paradoxes are basis of self-organization of the design-systems. Nonlinear character of co-operation the artificial design-systems with an environment from positions of synergetics is provided by their openness and polimodality. The design-system is presented as an aggregate of processes of materially-informative transformation, well-proven to the level of paradox. The analysis of conduct of the design-systems allowed to distinguish paradoxes of modality, to the context, multiplicity of unit and co-operations. Paradoxicality of the design-systems proves that an environment contains the different types of processes in the hidden form. It is educed, that paradoxes in a design are a positive factor, which promotes efficiency of influence on a man, destroys the stereotypes of thought. Their role is an experiment which results in the revision of scientific design paradigm.


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How to Cite

Sliarenko, N. (2016). Paradox as basis of self-organization of the artificial design-systems. Theory and Practice of Design, (10), 177–188.


