The history of the planting of greenery in the interiors from the beginning to the twentieth century for further use in the design-projection


  • I. Kusnetzova
  • N. Tkach



Interior, landscaping, plant growing, history, houseplants.


The article describes the evolution of the use of plants in interior design from ancient times to the twentieth century. The special qualities of evolution of the greenhouses and winter gardens and the main types of plants that were grown in different periods of the human development were identified. The emphasis was given on the specificity of the morphogenesis of vases and pots for plants according to trends of the specific time.


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How to Cite

Kusnetzova, I., & Tkach, N. (2016). The history of the planting of greenery in the interiors from the beginning to the twentieth century for further use in the design-projection. Theory and Practice of Design, (9), 129–141.


