Features of the game principle in postmodernism


  • I. Kuznetsova
  • D. Korzhenevich




Principle of the game, post-modernism, design, art.


With the analysis of scientific papers in the field of games were identified key aspects of the term " game ." Determined that irony and game - the key categories of postmodernism. Discovered the principle of postmodern fiction . Based on the study of works of postmodernism hundred samples were investigated manifestations game principle. Revealed that the main means of this principle is to communicate with the audience, originality, a gaming space, the use of irony and paradox. Structural and systemic classification of the elements of the game in the different branches of design.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., & Korzhenevich, D. (2015). Features of the game principle in postmodernism. Theory and Practice of Design, (7), 117–124. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.7.10070


