Optimization of the topological structure of the architectural process


  • M. Tsoy
  • I. Gavva
  • O. Tsoy
  • O. Konoval




Architectural process, topological architecture, optimization, parametrizm.


The current state of the architectural process has been investigated.An architectural design in general with emphasis on the principles of topological optimization of parametric modeling has been reviewed. The main stages and components of the architectural process such as idea, sketch, conformity for CNaR "Instruction of the development order, coordination, approval and the design documents, buildings and structures" project and specification documentation has been identified and structured. The newest computer software tools and their integration into the architectural process to gain it's topological optimization has been investigated.


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How to Cite

Tsoy, M., Gavva, I., Tsoy, O., & Konoval, O. (2014). Optimization of the topological structure of the architectural process. Theory and Practice of Design, (6), 182–223. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.6.10017


