
  • О. П. Скиба Національний авіаційний університет



cosmic, cosmic philosophy, noosphere, ethics of responsibility, the universe


Introduction. The article deals with the foundations for the formation of a unique direction of philosophical thought - cosmism that arose at the turn of the XIX - XX cc. and continued to develop rapidly in the XXI c., when the negative human-induced impact on nature reached such a level that it became a threat to the existence of mankind. Aim and tasks: The aim of this work is to identify the role of the philosophy of cosmism in the process of harmonizing the relationship of the "man-world" system, the search for new methodological approaches to the attempts to combine modern scientific knowledge with the rich moral and ethical experience of mankind.Research methods: theoretical and methodological basis of this research are general scientific and special methods and approaches. Among them, the system approach, synergistic and dialectical, should be called, because processes in non-equilibrium complex sys-tems have dialectical character. Research results. Nowadays, as a result of the sharp expansion of cognitive and technological capa-bilities of a person, the transformation of the spiritual life of society takes place and a number of ideological moral and ethical problems arose. In this context, there is an actual rethinking of the human attitude to nature, the ethical aspect of biotechnology and its predicted positive or negative effects. The idea of the unity of man and the world in the cultural and historical dimension of the "red thread" passes through the views of the ancient philosophers, representatives of Russian cosmism, and others, as well as a variety of modern doctrines in which researchers search for new methodological approaches to harmonize the relation "man-world" and a combination of natural sciences and moral and ethical knowledge of the noosphere and the cosmos. Discussion At this stage of the development of science, there is a change in the methodological approaches to the realization of nature in the modern philosophy of cosmism and the methodol-ogy of scientific knowledge. The key principles of post-classical ontology are proclaimed, in particular: humanity, through which the prism is proposed to consider nature, system approach, synergetic, etc. Conclusion. In the context of the actual significance of the cosmic philosophy, the emergence of new sciences such as environmental ethics, ethics of responsibility, etc. is considered, indicating the search for new methodological approaches to attempts to combine modern scientific knowledge with the rich moral and ethical ex-perience of mankind. We see the prospect of a further research in finding the latest methodological approaches to solving the problem of "man – world" harmonious development.

Author Biography

О. П. Скиба, Національний авіаційний університет

доцент кафедри філософії


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Cultural Studies