The characteristic of features of legal representation in public law controversies arising from tax relations


  • Олена Петрівна Рябченко Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Management, Administrative Law and Process and Administrative Activity



administrative law, litigation, public law controversy


The article is devoted to the characteristic of features of legal representation in public law controversies arising from tax relations considering. The distinction in the legal personality of the plaintiff and the defendant representatives in the such controversies considering. The mandatory requirements for power of attorney, regardless of the status of the representation subject or entity with respect to representation is performed are grounded. Such requirements are serves to fix in the Code of administrative procedure of Ukraine. The necessity of the fixing at the legislative level of requirements of professionalism in respect of persons who carry out the representation of taxpayers in the administrative proceedings.



Author Biography

Олена Петрівна Рябченко, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Management, Administrative Law and Process and Administrative Activity

National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Рябченко, О. П. (2014). The characteristic of features of legal representation in public law controversies arising from tax relations. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(33), 65–69.

