Appeal the decision about closure of criminal proceedings during the preliminary investigation


  • Дмитро Миколайович Валігура National Academy of Internal Affairs



the termination of criminal proceedings, the appeal, the bases of cancellation of the resolution of the investigator, the prosecutor about the termination of criminal proceedings, renewal of pre-judicial investigation


Single questions of the bases and order of the appeal of the decision of the investigator, the prosecutorabout the termination of criminal proceedings, consideration and permission the investigative judge of suchcomplaint are investigated. Imperfection of standard regulation of ensuring the right of interested persons onthe appeal of the decision of the investigator, the prosecutor about the termination of criminal proceedings,and also results of consideration of such complaint the investigative judge is established. Changes and additions to standards of the existing Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are offered and formulated.

Author Biography

Дмитро Миколайович Валігура, National Academy of Internal Affairs

applicant of the criminal process department


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How to Cite

Валігура, Д. М. (2013). Appeal the decision about closure of criminal proceedings during the preliminary investigation. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(27), 131–135.



Criminal Law and Criminology