


scientific discussion, intellectual communication, legal science, scientists, research activities, scientific activities, legal argumentation


Purpose: the purpose of the scientific article is to summarize the results of scientific debates organized by the Faculty of Law and develop proposals to improve the format of scientific events, specify their topics and further develop a network of contacts with foreign higher education institutions and specialists in various fields of law. Methods: general and special scientific (special) methods were used to achieve a certain goal: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, concretization, generalization, etc. Results: conducting various types of legal discussions contributes to the development of scientific research, identifying gaps in legislation and outlining new areas of legal reform in Ukraine. A significant role in these processes belongs to the legal community, which must unite in its desire and efforts to protect legal values and the rule of law in the state. Legal scholars in the course of various discussions, it is essential to analyze all the achievements of legal science and seek their implementation in public policy. Discussion: analyzing the different types of scientific discussions, it is worth paying attention to the need to specify the topics and narrow the topics of discussion for more detailed and professional development of proposals to improve the quality of national legislation.

Participation in scientific activities is an important component of any researcher’s activity. Emotional presentation of the material, communication of one’s own work, lively discussion and debates on various issues of jurisprudence provide all of us not only effective assimilation of new information, but also significantly expands our worldview, allows a new look at a problem, often even provokes critical review of their own work and, of course, is a stimulus to the birth of new scientific thoughts, ideas, concepts, theories. For scientists, both experienced and beginners, the ability to discuss correctly is one of the features of professionalism. Today, with the increase in the number of scientific conferences and other scientific events, and with the need to form a lawyer of a new formation, this problem is especially relevant. We have already noted in our previous publications that such a format of communication as debate is very valuable for each of us, because it not only stimulates scientific research, but also is an effective factor influencing the quality of scientific, legislative and law enforcement activities. Responding quickly to current changes, we must not only respond to them, but also forecast them for the future, preventing future challenges. Scientific debate in jurisprudence is a professional intellectual communication, discussion and solution of any controversial scientific issue. By supporting the debate, we thereby promote the achievements of legal science and work for such an important result for all of us.

Argumentation is very important in the process of debate. An important place among the types of legal argumentation is occupied by scientific, which can be called theoretical. theoretical. Scientific argumentation is characterized by the use of techniques characteristic of all models of argumentation. However, it has significant differences due to the nature of theoretical activities. It is a form of scientific activity, the purpose of which is to achieve the most eliminated from the subject, ie extrapersonal, knowledge of state and legal phenomena.

Author Biographies

Iryna Sopilko, National Aviation University

Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law

Victoriya Cherevatiuk, National Aviation University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Sopilko, I., & Cherevatiuk, V. (2021). SCIENTIFIC DEBATE AS A FORM OF PROFESSIONAL DISCUSSION OF PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF JURISDICTION DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(59), 198–205.

