
  • Andriy V. Savchenko National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



corruption, concept, criminal-legal content, corruption crimes, anti-corruption conventions, foreign experience


Taking into account the provisions of the current national anti-corruption legislation, historical, international and foreign experience, the criminal-legal content of the «corruption» is clarified. It is established that in Ukraine the legal concept of «corruption» has only criminal-legal content and does not directly cover issues of administrative, civil-legal and disciplinary liability. In theory and in practice, there is no currently a universal and all-embracing notion of «corruption». In international anti-corruption conventions, the emphasis is made not on defining the notion of «corruption», but on its particular types (forms). In the criminal law of foreign countries, the definition of corruption is diverse and primarily covers two separate acts – active and passive bribery. The ways of improving the concept of «corruption» in the legislation of Ukraine are proposed.

Author Biography

Andriy V. Savchenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor


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Inter-American Convention Against Corruptions / Adopted and opened for signature at the Specialized Conference of the Organization of American States (OAS) at Caracas, Venezuela, on March 29, 1996 [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the convention:

Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials / Adopted by General Assembly resolution 34/169 of December 17, 1979 [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the code:

Corpus Juris 2000 (Draft agreed in Florence) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the draft:

Definitions of Corruption / Boisvert, Anne-Marie Lynda, Peter Dent and Ophelie Brunelle Quraishi // Research Brief No. 48 (Date modified: 2015-12-02) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the article:

Glossary / U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the glossary:

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France. Bribery and Corruption 2017 / Stéphane Bonifassi [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the article: https://www.

Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (current as at 5 June 2017) / Queensland, the Commonwealth of Australia [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the act:

Anti-Corruption and Bribery in Germany / Lars Kutzner and Steffi Kindler (Germany, Global, August 3, 2017) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access to the article: 32033228.



How to Cite

Savchenko, A. V. (2017). CRIMINAL-LEGAL CONTENT OF THE «CORRUPTION» CONCEPT. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(44), 148–156.



Criminal Law and Criminology