Use Hartley transformation in computer systems, digital data processing
Hartley transform, computer system, digital processing, algorithm, data compressionAbstract
Discrete Hartley transform (DHT) as a kind of orthogonal discrete trigonometric transformation is one of the possible methods of digital processing of information, including the means of computer networks. Direct conversion Hartley defines calculating expansion coefficients (analysis)reverse transformation is realized during synthesis .Like other transformations, DHT is a more effective way to calculate factors such as rapid transformation Hartley (SHPH). To determine the efficiency of algorithms SHPH it is convenient to compare with the known FFT algorithms, the main drawback of which is the need for separate handling its real and imaginary parts. If necessary, you can get real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform, calculating odd and even parts of DHT. SHPH algorithm requires fewer operations compared to Fourier, giving savings in time costs from 10% to 20%. These references to the original performance SHPH. For example, the calculation of the interval, which has 32 samples, saving at least 20% of effort. With increasing interval economy decreases. Shown block diagram DHT algorithm practical use.In order to test theoretical studies submitted in the original sources of other authors and the analysis in this paper conducted modeling rapid transformation Hartley, to wit, the processing capacity of the test signal sampling 128 samples. The options reducing the amount of information (compression) at 2, 4, 8 times. Based on the foregoing, the algorithm SHPH can be recommended as an effective means for digital signal processing in computer systems and networks.References
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