The method of operative planning of maintenance service of air courts in not regular modes of operations of the airport


  • А. Е. Литвиненко Национальный авиационный университет
  • А. С. Кралина Национальный авиационный университет



The method of operative planning of maintenance service of air courts in not regular modes of operations of the airport is given. Is shown, that, the task of operative planning of maintenance service of air courts carries multicoated and, hence, optimization character. 1ц the given statement it is determined and does not contain elements of uncertainty. Is specified, that the1 76 approach ba§ed on construction of strict mathematical model with subsequent use adequate optimization of algorithm, adequate, can be applied for its decision

Author Biographies

А. Е. Литвиненко, Национальный авиационный университет

Институт компьютерных технологий, д-р техн. наук

А. С. Кралина, Национальный авиационный университет

Институт компьютерных технологий


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