Features Petrikivka use when painting interior design Designing "OHMADET"


  • I. Kuznetsova
  • E. Spitsyna




Features, Petrikivsky painting, interior of children's hospitals.


The authors of this article revealed the use of the basic features of Petrikivsky painting by designing thе interior of "OHMADET." On the basis of existing hospitals, which enroll as a model, identified the main criteria when designing hospitals for seriously ill children. The interior of the hospital seriously affects the efficiency of the clinic for treatment of a large number of complex childhood diseases. Described works that are submitted to the competition "INTERIOR OF THENEW OHMADET" in February 2014.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., & Spitsyna, E. (2014). Features Petrikivka use when painting interior design Designing "OHMADET". Theory and Practice of Design, (5), 74–81. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.5.9947


