Information assessment harmony of architectural forms


  • G. A. Negay Poltava National Technical University. Yu Kondratyuka Poltava



Architectural form, harmony, proportionality, information.


This article discusses the problem of objective evaluation of architectural form harmony. The author justifies the failure assessment methods based on a statistical model of the information. The author provides a method of information evaluation of architectural form harmony, based on the theory of aesthetic measures of Ayzenka and developed by the author the distinctiveness information model. In order to test quantitative evaluation suggests a simple example of computing a harmony of two squares with the divisions of the same type but with different elements ratios. The example confirms compliance with the quantitative sensory evaluation. The method proposed by author has the potential to be used for quantitative evaluation of the architectural objects harmony, and computer harmonization of their size structure.

Author Biography

G. A. Negay, Poltava National Technical University. Yu Kondratyuka Poltava

Negay G.A., Candidate. Architecture, Assistant Professor Poltava National Technical University. Yu Kondratyuka Poltava, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Negay, G. A. (2013). Information assessment harmony of architectural forms. Theory and Practice of Design, (4), 121–131.


