Problems of arts research modern garden and park


  • H. N. Colyada RHPU im. A.Y.Hertsena, h.Sankt Petersburg



Art studies, garden, park, modernity.


The garden archetecture of the ХХ century showed to the world a lot of new images requiring research, classification, systematization. But the lack of terminology, clearly defined modern art methods for the study of these parks makes the blurred picture of the development of the landscape art of the ХХ century and prevents adequate assessment of gardens and parks created in the beginning of XXI century. The article is devoted to the analysis of problems of artistic studies of works of modern landscape art.

Author Biography

H. N. Colyada, RHPU im. A.Y.Hertsena, h.Sankt Petersburg

Colyada H.N.,Dr. yskusstvovedenyya, RHPU im. A.Y.Hertsena, h.Sankt Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Colyada, H. N. (2013). Problems of arts research modern garden and park. Theory and Practice of Design, (3), 70–77.


