Features design design of medical complex


  • V. P. Myronenko Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture
  • S. V. Bodny Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture




Hospitals, domain–spatial environment, ergo–dizaning approach.


In the article, going near planning of architectural environment of medical complexes is examined on principles of the scientifically–grounded dezign (EBD) by integration of experience of architects, strict methodology of scientists–re–searchers and understanding of necessities of patients, taking into account influence of light and color.

Author Biographies

V. P. Myronenko, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Myronenko V.P., Dr. Arch-ry, prof. Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine

S. V. Bodny, Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Bodny S.V., PhD. architect-ry, Associate Professor, Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Myronenko, V. P., & Bodny, S. V. (2012). Features design design of medical complex. Theory and Practice of Design, (1), 101–115. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.1.5977


