The aesthetic and typological origin of the new tectonic language of mod-ern architecture and some of its structural components


  • Сергій Григорович Буравченко Національний авіаційний університет



Tectonics, Facade systems, Translucent materials, Structural glazing, Artistic and aesthetic factors, Functional-typological factors, Sub-structure of the facade system, Connection nodes, Sunscreen devices


The problem of further theoretical studies of tectonics is that, along with scientific and technological progress, the consciousness of large masses of people and their perceptions of tectonic structure change. It eliminates the task of going beyond the traditional postulates and following the current tendencies of the architectonic vision of form. Against the background of cross-sectional classifications of modern tectonic languages, the problem of mass interest in buildings with a high percentage of glazing of the fa-cade surface, which are classified atectonic sometimes. By this point of view, the tectonics has not sufficiently studied. The purpose of the publica-tion is to clarify the understanding of the concept of tectonics usage   for some of the modern structural systems and to analyze the factors that in-fluence the rejection of traditional heavy structures on the facades of buildings. The article deals with the main sources of formation of the aes-thetic and tectonic language of modern architecture with the use of facade systems made of translucent materials - the so-called structural glazing. It is opinion that along with the traditional style tectonics, which demon-strates that the building is stable by the standpoint of ideas for stone ar-chitecture, in the last century a new tectonic doctrine has emerged - a per-son needs aesthetic satisfaction from the illusory weightlessness of the construction of a building. One of the factors of penetration into the archi-tectural aesthetics of the new criteria of tectonicity was the entry of man into space and the feeling of weightlessness. The emergence of structural glazing tectonics was the development of a science of engineering calcula-tions of metal structures using the forces of compression and stretching of thin profiles and cables. Progress has also developed in the manufacture of glass, which takes into account in the work of walls or coatings on wind, snow and other loads. It were classified the factors of structural glazing development - artistic-aesthetic and functional-typological. The aesthetic-style alphabet of the architectural language consist of the next:  substructure (bearing structure) of the façade system, the junction points between the glass elements and the sun-protection devices.

Author Biography

Сергій Григорович Буравченко, Національний авіаційний університет

канд. арх., професор кафедри архітектури


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