Architectural and сomposition administration of planning places of internal type for middle ages.


  • Анна Олегівна Попович Національний авіаційний університет
  • Вячеслав Леонідович Мартинов Національний авіаційний університет
  • Інна Валеріївна Бірілло Національний авіаційний університет



Architectural and compositional techniques, Design, Architectural and planning organization, Composite solution, Boarding institutions, Geriatric boarding houses, Treatment and rehabilitation of people, Private boarding houses


The article describes the features of architectural and compositional techniques of planning residential care for elderly people.  The growing number of older people worldwide is making the problem of organizing living conditions for the elderly, which will allow them to remain, active members of society, thanks to the comfortable environment and housing in particular. State gerontology centers are overcrowded, the existing material and technical facilities are outdated, which negatively affects they`re functioning. Private homes for the elderly are virtually absent. Therefore, in the domestic market, it is advisable to create private boarding houses for the elderly.

The point, linear, atrium, pavilion, blocked and combined architectural and compositional methods of planning of geriatric establishments help to design architecturally expressive establishments for creating a favorable atmosphere for patients and holiday-makers with a partial or full separation of the type of medical establishment.  innovative solutions.  Giving expressiveness to geriatric institutions is an important component of their continued successful functioning and involves the creation of a unique architectural object for geriatric treatment and rehabilitation of people, which integrates therapeutic, cultural, innovative, technological functions and means of artistic aesthetics. Architectural and com-positional planning techniques help to create an environment of boarding type, where the elderly will not "live out", but feel comfortable in a cozy corner of relaxation, enjoying a respectable age

Author Biographies

Вячеслав Леонідович Мартинов, Національний авіаційний університет

к.т.н., доцент

Інна Валеріївна Бірілло, Національний авіаційний університет

к.т.н., доцент


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