Metal as a form factor in the fesign of the entrance doors of hublic and residential objects


  • Ганна Володимирівна Новік Національний авіаційний університет



Metal, Alloy, Artistic image, Environment design, Entrance gates, Gates, Fences, Shaping, Metal structures, Properties, Forging, Casting, Technology


The article investigates the main shaping factors that influence the design of metal and public entrance gates. The architectural and compositional solutions of modern metal gate designs are analyzed and the shaping factors applied in the samples being tested in connection with the technology used. It is suggested to conditionally divide the modern design solutions of the filling of the entrance gates into four groups on the connection of materials, methods of production and artistic image: made in the traditional ways in traditional forms - such that reproduce or imitate the formation of historical styles; made in traditional ways in modern forms; made in modern ways in modern forms; made in modern ways in traditional forms. As a result of the analysis of the patterns of metal use in the design of the entrance door filling, the factors that influence the molding of products and which must be taken into account in the design process are identified: functional factor (purpose), architectural and construction situation factor, conceptual factor, design and technological factor, material, geographical (climatic) factor, economic factor. In the process of forming these factors determine the aesthetic influence of the environment and are in constant dynamic interaction. The most important creative process for creating a harmonious, aesthetically perfect environment is defining a hierarchy of shaping factors in a particular design project.

Author Biography

Ганна Володимирівна Новік, Національний авіаційний університет

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