The main factors and conditions that determine the features of the formation modern interiors of civil buildings


  • Вадим Адільєвич Абизов Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
  • Світлана Сергіївна Кисіль Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну



Modern interior design, Civilian buildings, Factors of influence, Trends of change, Features of formation, Planning, Ergonomics, Aesthetics, Artistic image


The article covers the main factors that determine peculiarities of the formation and influence the planning, artistic and aesthetic decisions modern interiors of civil buildings. External factors meet the requirements of the designing interiors task for civilian buildings. These include socio-economic, natural and climatic, urban, environmental and logistical factors. The group of internal factors of influence, the so-called elements of deciding the design of interiors of civil buildings, belongs to the design stage and is divide into subgroups: typological, ergonomic, psycho-emotional, cultural and technological.

Socio-economic factors imply the identification of human needs and values as paramount in the design system. These include: economic conditions of development; organization of infrastructure of socio-cultural purpose and formation of its network; socio-demographic structure of the population is a contingent of visitors, taking into account socio-demographic, cultural, national characteristics, age and gender status, world outlook and consumer mentality.

Natural and climatic factors influence on the planning, structural and technological structures of the civilian buildings interior environment.

Town-planning factors include the size and functional planning structure of the city; density and number of stories; development of transport and engineering infrastructures; cultural services

Environmental factors include sanitary and hygienic parameters and microclimatic conditions of the human environment. The sanitary and hygienic requirements for the physical qualities of the interiors of civilian buildings in which a person resides is the required temperature and humidity; providing sound and visual comfort, insolation.

Material and technical factors include the level of development of structural systems, their technical solutions and the latest methods of construction of buildings, as well as the state of construction and raw materials bases.

Typological factors include factors that affect the typology, which takes into account the specifics of the choice of type of building and establishes its basic functional and technological solution, such as composition, parameters of the premises and formation of their functional and planning organization.

Ergonomic factors influence the complex spatial and compositional interior design and determine the design of the spatial environment in it.

The group of psycho-emotional factors include color climate, lighting, landscaping, works of art that characterize changes in health, physical and mental state of a person.

Cultural factors determine the creation of a variety of artistic interior design and design elements in particular.

The subgroup of technological factors consists of engineering and technological support and technical innovations, which make it possible to form both a general structure of interiors and to create its substantive content.

Author Biographies

Вадим Адільєвич Абизов, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну

доктор архітектури, професор

Світлана Сергіївна Кисіль, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну

кандидат архітектури


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