Geometry of domes of orthodox temples


  • Юрій Олександрович Дорошенко Національний авіаційний університет
  • Руслан Олександрович Пустовойт Національний авіаційний університет



Sacred Orthodoxy architecture, Dome of the orthodox church, Dome geometry, Shaping, Geometric analysis, Architectural proportionality, Deformative construction, Box line, Biarc


The article presents generalized results of geometric analysis of the shape of domes of orthodox temples in their genesis on the basis of revealed proportional regularities of the form.

Due to the intensification of the processes of restoration, reconstruction and construction of new objects of the sacred architecture of Orthodoxy, the need for scientifically grounded and canonically appropriate reproduction of their cupola (Orthodox domes) is actualized. Therefore, this study clarifies the geometrical aspects of the formation of domes of Orthodox temples in accordance with established church canons and architectural design theory and practice.

The article presents a generalized classification of the shape of domes of Orthodox temples.

The geometrical-graphical algorithms for constructing the outline of the bulbous dome of an Orthodox church are generalized.

A new geometric and graphical apparatus for constructing the outline of the dome of the Orthodox church on the principles of deformative design of geometric objects is presented. It uses the evolution of the dome shape from hemispherical to bulbous and pear-shaped.

For variational design and design of the dome outline, it is proposed to use box lines, biarkas, circular flaps.

The mechanism of stylistic decision of the dome shape taking into account the shape-forming invariants of proportionality and harmony, in particular, the gold section and the Fibonacci series is developed.

According to the author's algorithm, AutoLisp has developed an add-on function for the AutoCAD program, which will become a tool for researching (geometric analysis) the shape of domes of Orthodox temples in their photographs. Such research consists in the variational construction by the method of deformative construction on the photographs of domes (as background) of their outlines in the form of two- or three-centered box lines - as circular splines with given tangents at nodal points - on the basis of biarcs.

Based on the results of geometric analysis of the dome shape, you can develop canonical traditions of Orthodoxy architecture while preserving the stylistic features of the design object.

The results presented in the article can be used in the restoration, reconstruction and construction of new objects of the sacred architecture of Orthodoxy: cathedrals, temples, churches, monasteries and more.

Author Biography

Юрій Олександрович Дорошенко, Національний авіаційний університет

д.т.н., професор, завідувач кафедри архітектури ФАБД


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How to Cite

Дорошенко, Ю. О., & Пустовойт, Р. О. (2019). Geometry of domes of orthodox temples. Theory and Practice of Design, 1(16), 68–86.


