Design of the Exposure plane: Compositional aspect
Museum exposition, plane, point, line, spot, tone, color, texture, surface treatment method, lighting, traditions, novation’s.Abstract
Area functionality and user comfort problems are general for architects and designers. The experts view that the compositional factors take a significant role in solving such problems as: size, shape, physical properties of surfaces, which are the key tools of architecture shaping, graphic art and product design. At the same time, the artistic aspect dominates in the exhibition design, but the dimensions and shape are treated as utilitarian and organized intuitively. This approach can not be considered as optimal. Author believes that the emphasis of the compositional aspect will improve the quality of the exposition design at the applied level and contribute the development of the design theory. The article is explored the design of the museum exposition on the plane. The exposition is considered as a formalized group of components: a point, a line, a spot. Attention is focused on such parameters as: size, shape, tone, texture and surface treatment method. Two levels of composition perception are considered: local (perception of the single composition) and global (perception of the several groups in the area). The material, the size and shape of the surface, the area and the lighting are important at the local level. Such aesthetic qualities as traditions and innovations become important at the global level. The traditional qualities of the exposition are: dispersal, depth and the presence of dominants. Innovations are: using the optical phenomenon’s and spatial imagination of the viewers, using multimedia, transformation of the plane by the image, color, light, and imitation of volume.References
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How to Cite
Smyrmyy, D. (2018). Design of the Exposure plane: Compositional aspect. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 186–194.