The Formation of a Universal Space of Public Institutions through its Integration with the Children Playing Environment


  • Y. Bondarchuk Луцький національний технічний університет



"Barrier-free" environment, public institution, children playing environment, integration, accession integration, equal coexistence integration, "absorption" integration, constructive-planning principle, universality.


The article reflects the stages of integration of modern multi-functional public institutions with children playing environment. The dynamics of the development of scientific and technological progress and globalization led to the integration of public facilities and children playing environment. The change in functional processes and the internal architecture of public institutions made it possible to single out the following levels of integration: accession, equivalent coexistence, "absorption". The allocation of levels of integration of the children playing environment and public institution reflects the structural, functional and content levels of their organization. The integration of accession is the initial stage of integration. The integration of coexistence and the integration of "absorption" are more stable to external conditions and characterized by appropriate stability. As a result, the children playing environment changes due to the complexity of the spatial structure, the expansion of functional capabilities, the synthesis with the functions of public institutions, a conceptual and figurative solution. In this case, we can talk about children playing environment as a complex component of environmental design and part of the design culture, which is characterized by multifunctionality. The organization of the environment at the level of integration "absorption" approximates its design to universality. The movement towards the universality of the environment lies in its "barrier-free", the utilitarian fitness of children of all ages, children with disabilities and their parents.


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How to Cite

Bondarchuk, Y. (2018). The Formation of a Universal Space of Public Institutions through its Integration with the Children Playing Environment. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 28–38.


