Module as forms of formation of architectural environmental design


  • I. Abramiuk Луцький національний технічний університет



Module, modular system, design of architectural environment, transformation, interactivity, multifunctionality, dynamic space, image, form, integration into space, modular method of formulation, environment.


The article covers aspects of designing an architectural environment based on the module and modular design. The popularization of the module as a dimensional unit in shaping the design of an architectural environment is conditioned by the simplicity of independent elements, the possibility of their combination, a variety of choices of configurations of the completed spatial object, effective integration into any available space. It has been discovered that the autonomous module serves as the unit for designing a wide range of buildings and structures, as well as elements of the urban interior, creating an interactive urban space that prompts the user to actively interact with the environment, engages in discussion with society and promotes social mobility. It is revealed that the design of the architectural environment, formed on the basis of the module, acts as a self-organized dynamic space, characterized by a wide range of shaped solutions. One of the main ways to expressively design an architectural environment formed on the basis of modularity is a form. The form creates a generalized aesthetic impression and effectively reveals the idea-symbol inherent in the project. It is established that in the modern practice of creating the image of a modular environment, attempts to achieve the aesthetic effect created as a result of imitation of bionic motifs and objects of everyday life, as well as with optical illusions, are increasingly observed. The study revealed that the design of the architectural environment is based on the module has a high aesthetic value, dynamism, interactivity and actively interacts with the society.


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