Features of the use of minerals of natural forms in the rings of Andrei Komarov


  • S. Trykolenko Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ




Jewelry, mineral, stone, pearl, Andriy Komarov, filigree.


This article offers readers to get acquainted with one of the most interesting tendencies in contemporary jewelry art - the use of minerals of natural forms, with minimal interference of processing. For many centuries, the natural forms of crystals were leveled, destroyed as a result of the cut and give them standard silhouettes. The article gives examples of the rings of the young Ukrainian jeweler Andriy Komarov, during the creation of which the master was based on the harmony of natural forms, structures and colors, selecting the settings that would best complement the inserts, without interfering with their perception by the viewer. The artist uses one of the oldest jewelry techniques - filigree, creating artistically perfect compositions that reveal the natural potential of selected minerals. Different variants of the solution of rings on the basis of identical materials are considered. This form of jewelry is like a ring that has a thousand-year history, and combines it in itself powerful sacred, protective and purely decorative function. The traditions of creating rings during their evolution have passed many stages and there are many artistic and creative techniques practical embodiment of author's ideas. Andriy Komarov based on the form and structure of the selected mineral, respectively to them develops the concept of the setting, forming it from the clear geometrically correct lines or vice versa, creating a complicated ornament of chaotic, lenovo-like lace, which It covers the inset, like stalks of ivy mountain stones. Having considered some of Andrei Komarov's rings, it is possible arguing that the master thoroughly reveals the potential natural forms of minerals, and also profitable uses them unpolished surfaces. It is also worth noting that he is perfectly selects all the compositional components of the product - the scale inserts-options-rings do not contradict each other, forming the only integral harmony.


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How to Cite

Trykolenko, S. (2018). Features of the use of minerals of natural forms in the rings of Andrei Komarov. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 160–169. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13461


