The main trends in modern design of armchairs


  • O. Sidorova Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ
  • A. Levik Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ



Design, modern tendencies, armchairs, psychological features, individuality, creative solutions, natural forms, game, emotional component.


The main modern trends in the design of armchairs were revealed on the basis of a review of the contemporary designers work and presented models of armchairs at the exhibition furniture interiors 2016/2017 and Kiff 2016/2017. The study identified 5 main trends: 1) biomorphic – natural forms usage; 2) recreational and wellness – the creation of chair rods, which have health and positively affect for nervous system; 3) the personality trend – the design of chairs, which allow to separate the personal space; 4) educational game – the development of armchairs with the modular elements, which include the game and logical thinking; 5) transformers – the creation of armchairs transformers. Imagery biomorphic design solutions of the armchairs encourage us to dip into childhood world, which is the source of any creativity. Rocking chairs – an integral part of the country house interiors, living rooms, shopping and entertainment centers, sanatoriums, holiday houses. Any rhythmic action relieves stress, therefore rocking chairs are appropriate not only in the interiors of the recreational space, but also in health facilities. The educational game trend is represented by chairs, which are assembled from modular elements as soft cubes, balls, droplet shapes and tubes or parallelepipeds. Such kind of chairs can be made in the process of creative search and constructive thinking of adults and children. Modern armchairs can have a profound philosophical subtext and reproduce the psychological state of man. Creating cocoon chairs, designers tend to emphasize individuality of a person. Armchair-transformers allow to save space in the interior and rationally use it. Armchairs are considered not only as a demonstration of the designer`s individuality but also as an illustration of certain psychological tendencies in society, as well as a certain way of thinking, development, reflection of the emotional state of a person who "memorizes" the chair.


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