Typology of the Forms of Children Playing Environment in the Public Institutions


  • Y. Bondarchuk Луцький національний технічний університет




Children playing environment, public institution, integration, internalized children playing environment, exteriorized children playing environment, natural and climatic factor, social and economic factor, functional and typological factor.


The scientific article highlights the typology of children playing environment in public institutions. The formation of the children playing environment reflects the process of transition from an exteriorized to an internized form. Integration of the children playing environment with various types of public institutions is due to the natural-climatic, socio-economic, localization-time and functional-typological factors. Typological differentiation of children playing environment in public institutions was defined by needs of children, the functions of the play and types of the public institutions by functional purposes. Under the influence of the functional-typological factor were formed leisure and entertainment, educational, diagnostic and therapeutic types of the children playing environment. Every type of children playing environment meets the needs of children and the corresponding playing functions: entertaining, communicative, social and cultural, health. The entertainment function is inherent by all types of children playing environment. It is the main for the leisure and entertainment type of children's children playing environment. Communicative and socio-cultural functions inherent by educational type of children playing environment. The recreational function of the play is realized through playing therapy in the diagnostic and therapeutic type of children playing environment. Leisure and entertainment type of children playing environment is the most widespread and typical for institutions of trade, public catering, transport services and entertaining establishments; educational type - for preschool and educational, cultural-entertainment and religious public institutions; diagnostic-medical type - for health and recreation establishments. It is determined that the presence of selected typological groups reveals the entertaining, educational and therapeutic value of the play.


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How to Cite

Bondarchuk, Y. (2018). Typology of the Forms of Children Playing Environment in the Public Institutions. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 39–50. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13451


