Nature environment coloristic of Kherson area in context suit designing as a means of attraction in tourism


  • M. Artemenko



Costume, tourism, attraction, colorful characteristics, identification territory, regional and cultural features, fashion design.


The article raises the question of region suit design in close relationship with surrounding its object-spatial environment, particularly in the aspect of color unity, to increase the level of presentation of cultural region heritage as a tourist resource. Defined a nature environment colouristics of Kherson area in context of suit designing of region as a means attraction in tourism, for what: collected and systematized base of photo illustration material with landscapes images of Kherson region; according to the developed algorithm of zonal region distribution defined percentage correlation of specific colors for each zone of Kherson natural environment; defined the palettes of typical region colors for each of the selected zones of all seasons, that it is expedient to operate in the suit design for various purposes, which is planned exploit in given territory.


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How to Cite

Artemenko, M. (2017). Nature environment coloristic of Kherson area in context suit designing as a means of attraction in tourism. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 13–21.


