Boundary state of the design systems: the designing aspects


  • N. Skliarenko Lutsk National Technical University



Boundary state, crisis state, designing, design system, integration, constructive changes, destructive changes.


The essence and the role of the boundary states in the design systems projection are found out in the article. The designers’ attention is transferred from the final result to the process of the new structure formation by the purposeful designing of the situations of the destructive or constructive nature. The boundary state is the uninterrupted construction process of the new emergent property of the opened design- system (on the visual and conceptual levels). The structural functional and synthetic transformations are appeared as the forms of the boundary states manifestation. Its hidden potency discloses different aspects of the complete system in the context of the natural and social environment. It is found out that the boundary states in design are the experimental basis for the creation and prognostication of the new integrated design systems and design directions.

Author Biography

N. Skliarenko, Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate in Art Sciences, History and Theory of Arts, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Skliarenko, N. (2017). Boundary state of the design systems: the designing aspects. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 182–192.


