Environmental design: the background of formation and development in Ukraine
Ecological design, ergo-design, living environment, environmental cooperation.Abstract
Ecological design is considered in the context of solving the problem of interaction between man and nature as one of the main directions of global environmental movement to preserve and restore the environment, organized inclusion of men-made technologies to the structure of human living environment. It is proved that in the modern environmental design based on the principles of 3R- engineering combines environmental quality indicators that are leading in the new project culture. The authors have investigated the formation of terminological apparatus of ecological design; substantial sequence of the life cycle assessment (LCA) in accordance with the strategy of development of eco-design; the specificity of international environmental cooperation; it is proved that the design and ergo-design, taking into account the environmental aspects of human life, are an unifying factor between the person (its needs), culture and ecology.References
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How to Cite
Goloborodko, V., Rubtsov, A., & Svirko, V. (2016). Environmental design: the background of formation and development in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Design, (9), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.9.10578