Research of formative regularities of harmonic uniform clothes for conductors of Ukrainian railway
Design-ergonomic projection, structural- geometric intermutation, harmonization of form-building elements, viewing of artistic image of clothes.Abstract
They have researched arrangements of viewing and emblematic recognizing of stylish patterns of the mode of departmental uniform for conductors of Ukrainian railway from the viewpoint of “human – uniform - surroundings”. They have researched arrangements of sketch presentation of artistic image and structural- geometric intermutation of models for the purpose of creationg typical fashion on the base of additive lines of “golden section”. It is proposed to use banks as independent structural units of project forms for definite geometrical laws and harmonical rations.References
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How to Cite
Prykhodko-Kononenko, I., Kolosnichenko, O., Tretyakova, L., & Kolosnichenko, M. (2016). Research of formative regularities of harmonic uniform clothes for conductors of Ukrainian railway. Theory and Practice of Design, (10), 164–176.