Three approaches to the shaping of metal structures as a means of expression in the interior between the end of XVIII - early XIX century
modern, Art Nouveau, metal, iron, steel, metal construction, interior design, style, eclectic.Abstract
The analysis of the historical development of the of metal structures in Art Nouveau style in relation to the previous era of eclecticism was carried out. It revealed three approaches to shaping the metal for use in load-bearing structures for creating expressive interior environment: constructive-technological, constructive-decorative, constructive-imaginative. The employment of metals in the interior in the style of Art Nouveau is systematized by the material and method of applying.References
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How to Cite
Novik, A. (2016). Three approaches to the shaping of metal structures as a means of expression in the interior between the end of XVIII - early XIX century. Theory and Practice of Design, (10), 102–110.