Peculiarities of the Rendering Process of the Artistic Graphic Language in Fashion Design


  • S. Povshik



Fashion design, clothing project process, project graphics, project and graphic components.


The article analyzes main peculiarities of project technologies and graphic modeling means in the modern process of design engineering. The tasks that are solved by fashion artists and design engineers on different stages of projecting are also highlighted. By this we state the necessity of the usage of differential graphic means according to the actual stages of the design process. Also we outline the key functions of the project and graphic language as an element of professional communication. The problem that lies in the patterns of art-graphic language transformations in the process of designing clothes and clear structuring of the project process as a system of project and graphic components is singled out. The reasons for the importance of the solution of the problem for educational purposes are stated.


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How to Cite

Povshik, S. (2015). Peculiarities of the Rendering Process of the Artistic Graphic Language in Fashion Design. Theory and Practice of Design, (7), 202–209.


