Ethnic motives in suits by the artist L. Semykina


  • E. Papeta



Symbols image, ethnic motifs, stylization, poetics, semantics, design features.


This article is the result of an art research on the author series of costumes by the artist Lyudmila Semykina. The main focus of this study is semantics of mytho-poetic reconstructions of Scythian-Sarmatian and ancient costumes, performed by the author in 1960-1990. The problem of design, plastic and color solution synthesis is also raised, where L. Semykina acts in the role of theorist, artist, designer, constructor. Author's interpretation of the sacred, aesthetic and functional objectives of a costume was, in fact, the plastic embodiment of spiritual creed by the artist.


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How to Cite

Papeta, E. (2015). Ethnic motives in suits by the artist L. Semykina. Theory and Practice of Design, (7), 178–183.


