Boho-stylistics as an Urgent Trend of modern fashion
Costume design, process creation style, style, style features, boho-style.Abstract
Clothes design as a sphere of creative professional activity is notable for its peculiarity of the style formation processes. Practically they took place in the twentieth century autonomously but under the influence of styles in art and even in design on the whole. It has run up into a considerable number of directions, trends and styles. One of them is the Boho-style. The author analyses the style and peculiarities of the Boho from the position of the style formation conception and the definition of style, typical stylish features in the theory of an artistic costume design. The author gives the characteristics to different kinds of the Boho-style describing such Boho-style′s constants as layering, color palette, material in use, decorating and trimmings, accessory. Such analysis shows the influence of other expressive trends as grunge, vintage, folk, ethno, military to the Boho-style.References
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