Development Peculiarities of Glamour Style of a Costume in the 20th Century Fashion


  • V. Budiak



Glamor, fashion, glamorization, glamorous image.


Glamour – not just the ability to stand out, pick up expensive items and jewelry, watch out for their appearance, it is also the ability to present yourself in all this beauty is not just a lifestyle or fashion, is the ability to show their talents, the ability to seduce and charm one just look. The article discusses the role of glamor in fashion and its impact on human life, analyzes the views of prominent scholars on the definition of the main characteristics of the glamor which increase the impression of design products. Proved, on what grounds glamor gained relevance in fashion and reveals basic characteristics inherent glamorous image.


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How to Cite

Budiak, V. (2015). Development Peculiarities of Glamour Style of a Costume in the 20th Century Fashion. Theory and Practice of Design, (7), 33–38.


