
  • Olena Matvyeyeva National Aviation University
  • Yuliia Vovk Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource"
  • Oleksandr Nilow Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource"




biodestruction, biodegradation, biofuels, jet fuel, microbiological lesions, microbiological contamination, microbiological corrosion, «free» water, MicrobMonitor2, fuel supply


Purpose: the analysis of fuel transport systems and ground equipment of the fuel supply company has shown that «free» water is present in fuels, also solid contaminations, as rust and dust, and microbiological pollution. The problem of microbiological contamination is actually because the quality of fuel and operational reliability of equipment is deteriorating. This article shows that the main consequences of microbiological damage to hydrocarbon fuels are microbiological corrosion of parts and contamination. This leads to premature clogging of the filters. Also the microorganisms-destructors of hydrocarbon fuels, the main reasons of their presence in fuels, the basic technological operations in the ground fuel enterprises where microbiological pollution is produced most often are specified. Features of development of microbiological pollution of fuels for aviation and land transport are considered. Methods: express methods and long-term methods are used to determine microbiological contaminants. Resistance to microbiological damage to fuels in this work was determined using the method of MicrobMonitor 2, which is recommended by IATA and ICAO. Results: the research of Jet-A1 fuel samples taken from the airport tanks was performed. Most of the samples examined showed the presence of microbiological inclusions. The test samples show microbiological damage to the fuel by different types of microorganisms. Direct seeding methods were used for identification. Interpretation of test results was performed according to the MicrobMonitor2 methodology. The use of measures such as: timely conducting a control inspection, to remove «free» water from fuel tanks, periodic monitoring of microbial fuel damage at all stages of its operation, use recommended methodology and to develop new methods of rapid diagnosis can significantly minimize the level of risk.

Author Biographies

Olena Matvyeyeva, National Aviation University

Ph.D., Professor. Departament of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Aviation University. Education: Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation, Ukraine (1983). Research area: operational properties of fuels, reliability of vehicles and technological equipment.

Yuliia Vovk, Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource"

Junior Research Fellow, Departament of analytical-monitoring research, Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource". Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2020). Research area: biodegradation of alternative and traditional motor fuels.

Oleksandr Nilow, Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource"

Deputy Head of the Inventory Quality Control Department of the State Material Reserve. Ukrainian State Research Institute "Resource". Education: Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation, Ukraine (1979). Research area: quality of long-term storage oil products.


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How to Cite

Matvyeyeva, O., Vovk, Y., & Nilow, O. (2021). MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION OF MOTOR FUELS: ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFICATION IN FUELLING COMPANIES. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 86(1), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.86.15444

