The use of carbon sorbents and sorption technologies for cleaning water systems of petroleum products


  • Л.І. Павлюх
  • Д.І. Швець
  • В.В. Лапко
  • О.В. Кравченко



 Sorbtional properties of carbonic sorbents on the base of pine sawdust in the processes of purification of water mediums and complicated technological solution from petroleum products and phosphorus compounds are investigated. The possibility of carbonic sorbents modification by halogen organic compounds to increase the degree of purification of water ecosystems is analyzed.

Author Biographies

Л.І. Павлюх


Д.І. Швець

канд. хім. наук

В.В. Лапко

мол. наук. співроб.

О.В. Кравченко

канд. хім. наук


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How to Cite

Павлюх, Л., Швець, Д., Лапко, В., & Кравченко, О. (2008). The use of carbon sorbents and sorption technologies for cleaning water systems of petroleum products. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 34(1), 117–119.

